Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Updates From Hong Kong Protests(NYTimes)-By Ivy Yau

Bilingualism     by Ivy Yau

Pro-democracy protests began in the late of September. Occupying Central has started in a sudden. The demonstrators has been surrounding the government departments and occupying some streets and roads. Large amount of media keep on reporting the situation at different protest sites. Media have bias. I have chosen a piece of news from New York Times and this is mild. Some unfolding events shared on the networks were reported on the selected news. 

Link: http://news.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/10/05/live-updates-from-hong-kong-protests-on-oct-5/?_php=true&_type=blogs&action=click&contentCollection=Asia%20Pacific&module=RelatedCoverage&region=Marginalia&pgtype=article&_r=0

From the updates shown on the news, we can find some bilingual elements and features. 

Mediated communication

New York Times provides a platform to let the audience know what happened around the world. Many people keep up with the latest situation through the news reports. This selected news shows examples of mediated communication. There is information from Twitter, Facebook, Instagram. People share the events to the net through the information communication technology. We can still have an insight into the protests and share our opinions although we did not join it and meet each other.

"Occupy central" and "OccupyHK" are the translation of the Chinese term '佔中'.
"Chris Buckley" is the English name and the translation of the Chinese name '储百亮'.
These are also Cultural Transfer.

"ChuBailiang" are the transliteration of the Chinese name '储百亮' as "ChuBailiang" is the pinyin of  '储百亮'. This is also Cultural Transfer.

This twitter user concluded the points that People's Daily has written. She has extracted the main points from the context of the news.

This shows the universe undergoes globalization. There is no boundary between the countries. The information spreads so fast and can attract the audience from all over the world due to the bilingual news reports and social networks on the internet.

Please feel free to comment on my blog! :)

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