Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Bilingual elements in Rugby? :O

Good morning everyone! :) Guess who is the early bird blogger of this class haha
As some of you may know (or all of you if you have read my past blog)I play rugby,so I was thinking why don't I make a post on rugby? Is there actually any bilingual elements in the rugby world?

So down here is a poster on the coming autumn international series  <3 

As you can see the only non english content here is the translation
of the Hong Kong Rugby Union (香港㰖球總會) and THAT IS IT! I also went on my Facebook page and there is almost zero bilingual elements but why is that? Well, from my observation, rugby is counted as an "english" sport (鬼佬 or ABC 打既波),thus they expect most (not all) of the audience to be english speakers. Moreover, in our rugby world, all the referees, rules are used in English during our games so it is normal that they do not include any Chinese content into it. The above content is just my observation and opinion,if you don't think that is the reason why we don't have other Chinese content,please comment below!!!!!

BTW!!! If you are free on 8th and 15th November come down to King's Park and enjoy some professional rugby! 

Before saying bye bye here is a short youtube clip that most of you might enjoy :D

Deena :)


  1. I have never watched or participate in a rugby competition before.I must go if I have time!

  2. That's cool ! 一定要去啦haha

  3. It is a must to go this international activity. by Annie
