Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Talented bilingual blogger (Lester Li )

Since I have been a bilingual blogger for several weeks, there is no wonder why I would be interested to see how the other people from different countries or culture act as bilingual blogger. =)

After browsing different websites, I found a talented bilingual blogger who is a foreigner and able to speak or sing bilingually @@堅勁~

     Her name is KATARA !    Its one of the posts from her blog:
    It shows some bilingual elements on her blog:

Pinyin : Hangzhou, gan bian dou jiao, Xiao Qi, Xi Hu, Beijing (back translation)..........

Chinese words: 中国梦想秀,回声响亮,花椒...........

 She also SINGS  bilingual songs        
周杰倫【明明就 中英双语版本】Jay Chou "Ming Ming Jiu" with English Lyrics 
It is AWESOME!!!!!  不得鳥!
She wrote new Englsih lyrics and mixed it into the original Chinese song.

I can see that she is a "Chinese  lover" 
who embraces Chinese culture and language
Her blog is multimedia which includes video,photos and symbols.
 Even by using Chinese idiom:井底之蛙

There are assumed purposes of why she used many manifest and latent bilingualism.

Preference>>>> Hobbies to learn Chinese things
Promotion>>>>  Promote her image as a singer / performer
Commercials>>>>Advertising revenue
Identity>>>> Try to blend in Chinese speech community

I think her blog and practicing bilingualism are worth learning ; )
She used many channels to express bilingualism and accessed to Chinese markets with success ~
Her mandarin is also much more better than me T_T 佢d 普通話好我超多~


  1. Wow she sings so well! BTW, have you ever heard of Sofia Kallgren? She is a swedish singer but she can sing in both mandarin and English. Know more about her if you have time! :D

    1. Yup , I listened some of her awesome songs , amazing !

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  3. I have also watched some of Katara's singing video. She is really great both in singing and speaking Chinese so fluently. She has put the Chinese and English lyrics on video which could help foreigners understanding the Chinese popular songs.

    1. Ya, and the group of targeted audiences would be widened~

  4. I hope that one day our blog can also be shared by other bloggers like you did!! Haha What's more, thanks for your sharing and I think I gonna subscribe more YouTubers :D

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