Tuesday, October 7, 2014

If not NOW, when? (Melody Chan)

To discuss the news recently, 'Occupy Central' must first come up in our mind. In these few days, social medias in different countries keep reporting the up-to-date state to the public. When I was in Admiralty and Causeway Bay, I witnessed how peaceful and rational Hongkongers were, but also the violence of the Hong Kong police at the same time.

About the 'Umbrella Revolution', I think it is no need for me to explain the details here. Starting for the moment that Hong Kong Police used tear gas to dispel the protesters, I chose to step out from my home, and go to the locale to support the brave Hongkongers. Setting foot in day nine of 'Occupy Central', some people may say that the event is metamorphosing gradually. (逐漸變質) But I firmly believe that Hong Kong people still understand what they are striving for.

Many people think that requiring for 梁振英下台 and 撤回人大決定 are impossible, and boycotting classes will just bring nothing influences to the government to change their mind but disadvantages in long terms. However, if we didn't try once in our life, how can we know that it can or not. 如果說這兩項訴求是不可能的事,警察使用催淚彈丶選擇性執法丶縱容暴民及黑社會鬧事和使用暴力丶公然放走犯人丶拘捕受害人等,這些原本都是眾多香港人眼中不可能發生的事吧,可它們終究還是發生了,不是嗎?So, I like some slogan created by some Hongkongers very much. 'If not now, when?', 'You may say I'm a dreamer, but I'm not the only one.' This protest must play an important role in the process leading to the real democracy, most of us will never forget the days we slept on the streets and used colorful umbrellas to defend the attack from the police.

Apart from my personal sight on this world-concerned issue, I discover that different medias over the world or just in Hong Kong have different perspectives to report this news. Also, I have found different bilingual elements used in the news article.


- surely the government officials' name 
e.g. Chief Secretary Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor
- media's name
e.g. Xinhua news agency - 新華社 

These are the examples of keeping the sound of the original to the new language, Pinyin is the most popular way.


- Apple Daily always adding their opinions in the issue
e.g. 警方胡椒噴霧如雨下,一把把軟弱的雨傘打開,像七彩的浪花不斷拍向全副武裝的警察,這張世界公民抗爭史上最美麗的以弱抗強畫面,震撼人心。

Hongkongers are really warm. 香港加油。

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Melody. It's interesting how you mix Chinese with English, can you share how you decided when to use which?
