Wednesday, September 10, 2014

The BOYLISH girl--- Crystal Kwok

                                                       The BOYLISH girl 

               Have you heard about a cartoon called 'Digimon Adventure'? Do you know the name of 'One Piece'? It is usual that you don't know them if you are a girl. As most of the them do not enjoy watching this kind of animation. Besides, they are both created for teenage boys. Yet, I enjoy watching them!  And I have this kind of personality because I am influenced by my elder brother.

              Apart from watching animations, I like playing video games too! There are PS3 and Wii at my home and I am usually the one who play them. I also play PC game during my free time. 'The SIMS' is the only PC game that I contained. And it is dangerous for me to play this game since I cannot get out from this game easily. However, I think it is great for players to escape from the daily pressure. Thus, video games is part of my life so I may not able to survive if I am without them.
              p.s. PLEASE tell me if you also playing SIMS :D

         此外,我還喜歡打遊戲機!在我家中,我有PS3和Wii,而我也是唯一一個用它們的。我也會在空閒時玩電腦遊戲,而The SIMS是我唯一擁有的電腦遊戲。而這會很危險如果我開始玩這遊戲,因為我會難以離開這遊戲當中。不過我覺得電腦遊戲能減少人們生活中的壓力。總的來說,電腦遊戲對我而言如生命食糧般重要。
             p.s.請告訴我如果你也有玩 SIMS  :D

             To conclude, I am a girl who enjoy doing boylish activities. And I extremely love this unique personality of me. If you have the same interest as me or want to chat with me, please leave your comment! 
            Here are the general information of me! :)

             Name: Kwok Tsz Ling,Crystal

             Major: Social Science
             Year of study: year 1

             Favorite music: eason chan,hocc, kpop

             Favorite animals: Dogs

            Here are some photos of my two dogs :

                                                   ~Thank you ~



  1. i love sims very much ,,,i will play all day when i am at home....gosh...can't wait to play sims4 ,but it is too expensive now!!!!!!!!!!!! by Cherry Lee

    1. i have already bought the SIMS4
      In my opinion, Sims4 is quite similar as SIMS2
      as people can only go to another places by taxi instead of private cars
      yet, i think the expressions of the feeling of people improved and they become more realistic

      by Crystal Kwok
