Monday, September 29, 2014

Glocalization allows for a critical understanding (Annie Cheung)


'One Country, Two Systems' has permitted Hong Kong to maintain its unique character. Long-term success depends on preserving democratic rights. However, when the boundary of 'One Country, Two Systems' is gradually blurred, who save our city? News transfer is undoubtedly a way to raise global awareness. It’s time to FIGHT.

News Title: Hong Kong police clear pro-democracy protesters

News summary

Hong Kong police have cleared the main government compound of pro-democracy demonstrators who had occupied the area on Friday. They arrested more than 60 people, nearly 30 people were hurt. The ruling has prompted a protest movement in the autonomous territory, spearheaded by a group called Occupy Central. The students chanted the slogan: "No fear for civil disobedience" as they were led away. School and university students have joined the protests in recent days.

In fact, the summary is a kind of translation — Appropriation. It means a language meme refers to the textual borrowing strategy in paper writing. In other words, the important sentences and paragraphs from the original news are captured and combined to form the summary.

In the title, the word ‘’Hong Kong’’ is refer to a place which is an autonomous region on the southern coast of China geographically enclosed by the Pearl River Delta and South China Sea. It’s the place we are now living. Transliteration is used in this name. In Chinese and Cantonese, we called this region ‘’香港‘’. Transliteration can form an essential part of transcription which converts text from one writing system into another. 

For example, ‘’香港’‘ can be transliterated as ‘’Hong Kong’’ , ‘’北京’’ can be transliterated as ‘’Beijing’’ or ‘’Peking’’. This concept is also applied in people’s name. For instance, 劉琳,who is the BBC Hong Kong correspondent, her name is transliterated as ‘’Juliana Liu’’.

Moreover, in the news context, the writer use hybridity to prompt readers understand more about the issue. This concept can be defined as the process that involves a mixture or a combination of two different elements, such as words, videos and pictures. Below is the examples from the news.

    The final few dozen protesters were hemmed in by police before being removed.

    Protesters were removed by police and did not actively resist arrest.

Also, the news editor collects different ideas and opinions of stakeholders. It allows us to think in different ways. And this is knowledge transfer, which is the transfer of knowledge, expertise, skills and capabilities around the world and without boundaries.

"We strongly condemn such action which not only violates the police code of conduct but also tramples on people's freedom of expression," the group said.

The last of the protesters within the compound were removed on Saturday without resisting arrest, the South China Morning Post reported.

The students chanted the slogan: "No fear for civil disobedience" as they were led away, the Hong Kong-based newspaper said.

Actually, knowledge transfer also include the transfer of news and the backup of photos videos. Keeping these source can retaining the truth for our next generation.

Fortunately, the pro-democracy protests in HK have raised international attention, more than 100,000 people signed up a petition in order to ask U.S. President Obama to support democratic elections in the former British colony. Thanks to glocalization, 400 Hong Kong citizens and students joined ‘United for Democracy’ in London. In the meanwhile, rallies in the U.S., Australia, Taiwan, Europe and elsewhere have been held to express solidarity.  

News is a type of genres in cyber culture, get involve with this global village and be a responsible citizen.

Multilingual updates are crucial in these days (Isabella Blatter)

When I wrote my blog entry about ‘Hong Kong’s fight for democracy’ (, I was particular interested in how the student got organized and which role Social Media played in that ‘Umbrella Movement’. Indeed, social media before and during the demonstration is crucial, like a catalysator.  Especially, channels such as facebook as well as what’s ap are irreplaceable in these days.

However, when I looked at the pages, there were just few which provide the information in English. As the strike had escalated during last week, more and more pages appear. Furthermore, step-by-step some facebook pages provide bilingual elements. In this blog entry I’ll analyses one particular page Hong Kong Democracy Now’, which helps me a lot to be informed by the latest incidents.

First of all, ‘Hong Kong Democracy Now’ belongs to niche media as it emerged during the on going protests. It were founded at the 27th of September and provides the audience with “Multilingual updates on Hong Kong's ongoing democratic movements“ on the facebook as well as on its Twitter Account  '@hkdemonow'. Throughout these two days it has 22, 222 followers, which in my point of view shows its great impact. Shortly after one day, it provides information in 9 (!) different languages: English, Japanese, Korea, French, Spanish, Finish, Swedish and Czech. With a call for help, the people behind ‘Hong Kong Democracy Now’ asked for help:

編按:此站以多國語言發布,中英以外為簡譯版本,以便大家將香港現況轉向世界,有意加入翻譯團隊請PM。 / We share update informations and news in various languages, some of them are only in simplified version. You are welcome to share and let the world see. If you want to join our translation team, please send us message.

Until today, they added three more languages: Thai, Russion as well as Japan. At the picture above, you can see one poster with the same information translated into various languages.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Hong Kong protests: What you need to know (Cherbi Wong)

“Occupy Central”, takes name from US’s “Occupy Wall Street” movement in 2011. “Occupy Central”, Chinese is 佔領中環, the English name is a translation. The Chinese city name like Beijing(北京) is transliteration, it is a pinyin.

The advertisements beside the news are foreign such as KoreanAir, CreditSuisse and PPT Group instead of Hong Kong advertisement. It could say that the target audience was international.

There are videos beside the article. The videos are reporting the incident and the live scene. It is reported in English. Some interviewees speak Cantonese and the original voices are over by English. This is a bilingual element. It proves again the target audience of this news is the world as English is an international common language. Photos with captions are above the article
Subtitles are used in the article; it would be easier to read. Some external links are on the key words, phrases or sentences.


928 - #HONGKONG (Cherry MAK)



As a citizen of Hong Kong, I really concern and care about the issues that are happening at the Hong Kong government headquarters these days. And as a student of Bilingual Cyber Culture course, I do have to notice how the online media report the issues. 
作為一個香港市民,我非常關注近日在政府總部附近發生的一切一切。然而作為一個修讀Bilingual Cyber Culture學生,我亦十分留意網絡媒體對於此事的報道手法。

This morning, I have read through several articles written by local and foreign media through the Internet.  Below are some of my observation:

1. Difference in reporting the issue among local newspaper*

 There are quite a lot of newspapers in Hong Kong and undoubtedly they have different political background, or we can say that each of them have their own stand. Therefore, it is obvious there are some distinctions on the ways they reported and the phrases they used.
For instance, Ta Kung Pao and Wenhui Bao used 反對派推波助瀾 暴力衝擊持續 and 佔中悍然啟動 挑戰法治 as their headline respectively in which the words highlighted in red are very intense and extreme and these two newspapers are generally considered as pro-Beijing. These two titles try to lead the readers to think that the oppositions are protesting violently and the movement of occupy central is challenging the rule of law. 
                                                           <Tai Kung Pao's headline>
A counter example of the above is that the wordings of the title 佔中開席 促人大撤回決定 重啓政改)used in pan-demorcratic press, Apple Daily, tends to be more neutral in certain level. Instead of describing the situation in the government headquarters, it tried to state the intention of the demonstrators there. 

*Sorry! Since the page is written in Chinese AND no English version is provided, I will explain the important parts in English.

2.  Foreign media's reaction

Since there are too much foreign media in the Internet, so I simply select some authentic and well-known media to do some analysis. 


Reuters 路透社
United State Verison - Hong Kong hits the headline!!! 
Is it because of ...

United Kingdom version - As a former colony of UK, Hong Kong got a place in the homepage's headline but without a picture mentioning the event.

Chinese version - No article is about the demonstration in Hong Kong.

New York Times 紐約時報
US version - No headline about Hong Kong issues but there are some recommended articles are related.

International version - The issue comes up to the homepage but not really the top news and it also recommends me to read some articles and the articles about students strike and the response given by Xi Jinping, the president of China, are at the first three places of the list. (same with the US version)

Chinese version - No article is about the demonstration in Hong Kong. (AGAIN!)

CNN 國際新聞網絡
International Version - HONG KONG's issues dominated the homepage of CNN.

BBC 英國廣播公司
British version - Hong Kong's protest hits the headline of BBC!


Apparently, the protest in Hong Kong did raise awareness in the global world in certain extent. However, I think more attention should be put on this issue, especially for the Chinese media. Why? Continue reading, and you will get the answers.
從以上的圖片及資料所見,是次運動的確在某程度上引起了世界媒體的關注。不過,我覺得佔中此舉值得讓更多人去了解,而中國的媒體亦應提供開放的平台予內地民眾認識。為甚麼這樣說?請耐心看下去 :)

3. Views from Motherland 

Apart from what you have read, here we are going to look further on what the Chinese media is doing toward this issue.

The above are some influential news media in mainland China. It is clear that we cannot find anything related to Hong Kong's demonstration this time and all I can conclude is this matters is too sensitive.
以上列舉的媒體均為內地頗具影響力的資訊發佈平台,然而五彩斑斕的網頁背後,卻沒有一處提及香港市民為爭取民主和普選而集會一事。或許,這一切對他們都太敏感了... ...

//It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair…//

Click the link below for further information for "Hong Kong Democracy"




Saturday, September 27, 2014

Beijing Toward Group intends to build this shopping mall as a "trading center for Chinese goods in North American( blog entry by Eric)



While China's exports suffered serious impact from the financial crisis, a Beijing-based private enterprise has completed the acquisition of the largest overseas commercial property development project so far. On December 23, Wu Li, president of the Beijing Toward Group announced the group had acquired a very large commercial shopping center in the United States..


According to Wu, the shopping mall his company acquired is located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, covering an area of 188,000 square meters, equivalent to the size of 26 football pitches. It has also become the largest acquisition of overseas commercial property development project by Chinese enterprises so far..

吴立介绍,公司收购的这家位于美国威斯康辛州密尔沃基市的shopping mall,占地面积18.8万平方米,相当于26个足球场的大小。这也成为迄今为止中国企业海外收购的最大商业地产项目。

Beijing Toward Group intends to build this shopping mall as a "trading center for Chinese goods in North American, and to show China's modern cultural level and the quality of Made in China". Chairman of Beijing Toward Group Cai Dongmei said, "Our aim is to introduce 'Made in China ' products to the U.S. market, so Chinese enterprises can really enter the United States, and to build Chinese brands in the United States, using global resources and markets to optimize the allocation and improve Chinese enterprises’ core competitiveness.”.

泰沃德将这一商业项目命名为亚美商城。“亚美商城的理念是以打造中国商品北美交易中心为目标,展现中国现代文化水平和中国制造水平”,北京泰沃德投资有限公司董事长蔡冬梅告诉记者,“我们的目的就是要将‘中国制造’的产品引领到美国市场,让中国企业真正走进美国,在美国打造‘中国品牌’,利用全球资源和市场,优化配置,提高企业核心竞争力,今年9月美国威州州长董杰穆(JIM DOYLE)访华期间也对泰沃德在金融危机之时收购表示了极大的赞赏,并承诺在各个方面给予最大的支持。

Cai said products sold in the shopping mall have first-class quality with Chinese characteristics, including electronic appliances, garments, home decorations and another 10 types of goods. On January 8, 2010 they will start the first round of business invitation in Ningbo. Following the Ningbo station, they will conduct a series of investment activities in Dalian, Wenzhou, Beijing and other places, and in August next year, the shopping mall will be officially opened..

宁波站后, 接下来还将在大连、温州、北京等地进行系列招商活动,明年8月亚美商城将正式开业。就在此前不久,由商务部主导制作的宣传“中国制造”国际形象的广告宣传片刚刚在美国有线新闻网(CNN)播出,此次亚美商城项目的启动恰恰是“中国制造”在美国落地的最好诠释。作为一家北京民营企业,尽管默默无闻,但泰沃德企业集团早已是一家集地产、酒店、商场、生物制药、国际贸易、旅游、文化传媒等产业于一体的国际化企业集团,目前旗下公司有10家,其中包括设在美国、帕劳等地的子公司。

Cai said as the size of cooperative domestic enterprises varies, they adopt four different modes of cooperation for enterprises, including leasing, joining, product display, as well as management on a commission basis. .



This is a typical news thread which contain obvious bilingual element. I am going to analyze the news step by step:

First of all, if you see through the link that I give you above, you will find that  the structure of the chinese news is re-writed and re-contextualizated into the form of the English news.Acually, the para 4 of the chinese news is the last para of the english news,the para 3 of the chinese news is the para 4 of the english news, etc.In addition, it is easily seen as I highlight it in blue in the above text that chinese version contain some extra stuff that we cannot find in the english version. I guess it is the problem of target audience. Maybe something concerned by the chinese are not much concerned by the foreigner so they are just exclude it in the english version,eg明年8月亚美商城将正式开业。就在此前不久,由商务部主导制作的宣传“中国制造”国际形象的广告宣传片刚刚在美国有线新闻网(CNN)播出,此次亚美商城项目的启动恰恰是“中国制造”在美国落地的最好诠释。作为一家北京民营企业,尽管默默无闻,但泰沃德企业集团早已是一家集地产、酒店、商场、生物制药、国际贸易、旅游、文化传媒等产业于一体的国际化企业集团,目前旗下公司有10家,其中包括设在美国、帕劳等地的子公司。  Or the things wriiten in the chinese version may not be agreeable by the foreigner who read it in the english version,,eg今年9月美国威州州长董杰穆(JIM DOYLE)访华期间也对泰沃德在金融危机之时收购表示了极大的赞赏,并承诺在各个方面给予最大的支持。All in all, english version seen to be more concise.

Secondly, there are several tranliteration and translation found in the texts.For example,吴立 tranliterate into Wu Li,Milwaukee into 泰沃德,etc. Most of the tranliteration come from the name of an object which cannot transfer the meaning directly.For translation, it is especially important for the need of transfer meaning,which mean it is usually found in some terms, eg 中国制造 into Made in China,核心竞争力into core competitiveness,etc they need to use translation here as the foreigners need to understand the meaning of this terms in order to understand the news.

Moreover, even in the chinese version only, it includes some bilingual elements for somethings that the english form is more widely used than the original chinese form, eg 美国有线新闻网(CNN),董杰穆(JIM DOYLE)are the things that even for the chinese, the english form are more familiar for them than the chinese form. the editor did this to provide reader-friendly atmosphere and help us to comprehend.

Chinglish And Cyber Buzzword (Blog per 3 weeks By Andy)

Chinglish And Cyber Buzzword

 Chinglish refers to ungrammatical or nonsensical English in Chinese contexts. "Long time no see"(好久不见) is a famous example of Chinglish. Chinglish in the past were never spoken on purposely, but due to the inability of Chinese speaker.

中式英文是指使用不合文法和不合逻辑的英语来表达中文内容。"Long time no see"(好久不见)就是一个著名的中式英文例子。在过去,中式英文并不是被刻意创造出来的,而是因为留洋华人的英文水平较差所致。

Nowadays, Chinglish are used deliberately on Chinese internet as an element of cyber culture. They are also a part of "Cyber Buzzword"(网络流行语), which Chinese netizen often use them to communicate with others netizen. For example "No zuo no die" is the most popular Chinglish or cyber buzzword in 2013. Though it looks like English phrase, it can't be understood in English. The Chinese of this phrase is "不作死就不会死" "Zuo" actually refers to 作死(act silly), it is the Pinyin of "". The meaning of this whole phrase is "If you don't do stupid things, you won't get serious consequences". But this phrase often apply to those who did stupid things, it is a kind of sarcasm.

现在,被刻意使用的中式英语已经成为了中国网络文化的一部分。他们也被称作"cyber buzzword"(网络流行语)。中国网民们经常把它们用在与其他人的网络沟通上。例如,"No zuo no die"是去年最流行的中式英语/网络流行语。它看起来像英文,但用英文是理解不了的。 这句话的中文意思是:“不作死就不会死”。“作”就是“作死”的意思,“Zuo”就是“作”的拼音。更具体一点,这句话的意思是:“不作出愚蠢的行为,就不会有严重的后果”。但是这个句子一般都是用在那些已经做了傻事的人身上,所以这句子带有嘲讽的意味。

Another example of nowadays Chinglish used by netizen is "You can you up", whose Chinese is "你行你上". "Up" refers to ""(go up and do it). The phrase is often used when someone criticize other's work, then you can tell him this phrase as " If you think you can achieve this, you should go and achieve it instead of standing here".

另一个现今被经常使用的中式英语的例子是:“You can you up”。这句话的意思就是:“你行你上”。“Up”就是“上”的意思,表示“去做”。 这句话经常被用在那些批评别人的人身上,意味着:“如果你觉得自己比别人更能做好这件事,那就快去做,不要站在这批评别人”。

These phrases can be improvised easily. Like "No zuo no die" is sometime extended to "No zuo no die why you try" to express stronger sarcasm. And "You can you up" is often used with phrase "No can no BB", which means " if you cannot achieve it, stop bullshiting(BB)".

这些句子可以被随意修改。例如“No zuo no die”就经常被扩充为"No zuo no die why you try"以表示更强的讽刺意味。而"You can you up"也经常会和“No can no BB”一起使用,后面一句的意思就是“如果你不能做得比别人更好,那就不要批评别人(BB)”。

There are a lot of example of this Chinglish/Buzzwords on internet, and more of them are coming. There are 3 reasons I can think of. Firstly and most importantly, netizen create them for entertainment. Those words/phrases are funny, like "No zuo no die". It can easily be understood in Chinese, but deliberately present in bad English/Chinglish. It creates a kind of humor and entertainment on internet, which is the thing majority of netizen are looking for. Secondly, information spread quickly on the internet. Once a new Chinglish/Buzzword is created, soon netizen near the original will learn the word/phrase. And once a word/phrase is learned and used by a certain amount of netizen, more and more netizen will use it. Finally, using these words/phrases make netizen feel like being a part of "small circle". Since Chinglish/Buzzwords are not accepted by all netizen, only part of netizen groups like "Sina Weibo", "ACG Lovers" and "QQ" users use these words/phrase. So if you use this words/phrases, or watch others using them on internet, you will get a sense of belonging to certain internet groups. It is very important for majority of internet users.

现今网络上有很多这样的句子, 而且未来还会有更多。对于这种情况,我能想出三个原因。第一点也是最重要的一点,网民们为了娱乐而创造这些句子。像是"No zuo no die" 这些句子都非常有趣,而且对于中国人来说十分容易明白。他们故意用烂英文句子来表达这个意思,令到这些句子都富有幽默感。而幽默与乐趣正是大部分网民所追求的东西。其次,在网络上信息传播极快。一旦一个网络流行语被创造出来,接近这个发源地的网民们都会很快学到这个句子。而等到这些用于有一定的使用人数时,就会有越来越多的网民知道这些用语。最后,这些用语令使用它们的网民有一种置身小圈子内的归属感。 因为并不是所有网民都接受网络流行语,只有某些网络团体才会使用某些用语,例如“新浪微博”,“二次元爱好团体”,“QQ用户”,所以当你使用某个团体独有的用语用词时,就会产生一归属感,这种感觉对很多网民来说也是很重要的。

Extra Chinglish/Cyber BuzzwordsTry to guess their meanings):

1.No pic you say JB

2.No money no talk

3.Why are you so diao?

4.Call you one sound you dare reply?